
Round 9 Results and Final Ranking

It was an exciting finals yesterday as a new chinese chess master emerge. Congratulations to Wu Zong Han.

It took a painstaking 5 hours before Junming lost on the fact that he was totally clueless about the rule that he has to complete 25 moves in 30 minutes for the tie breaker games. A pity. After the match, he himself told the author that he could have taken down the tie-breaker game if not for the rulings.

Tie-breaker Game 1 Junming (red) vs Wu Zong Han

Junming felt even more pain as he has managed to grind out a draw in a very disadvantageous endgame (Zong Han having car horse full defence attacking his car cannon 1 elephant). In that game, Junming has cleverly used the Asian ruling one check one kill to force a draw, despite losing the elephant in the process.

The ending position is something like that as shown above (might have error but the gist is there). Junming can R34 and R43, forcing Zong Han to accept the draw.

In the 3rd and 4th placing match, Guolong managed to capitalise on Zheng Xiang Fu mistake and win the match to secure a third. This is the first time he has actually entered the top 3, an achievement over 2 4th placing he has obtained previously.

As for the 5th to 8th positions, they are:

5th Xu Xin (an old master who is still currently playing for Boon Lay)
6th Zhu Yong Ji
7th Ni Fu Liang
8th Qiu Guan Jie

Congratulations to Guo Long and Xu Xin; and to all the winners as well.

Huang Yi Hong (red) win Liu Jian Hui


Final Standing of Group B

Congrats to 张友彬 and 廖铭濠 for coming in 5th and 6th respectively! We will look forward to better results in next year's competition.

Incidentally our players are playing in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd board for the last 2 days. 2 pictures taken during the match.

Left row (from left to right) : 洪培荣,廖铭濠,张友彬

Other results for the competition.

Results from Top 4
陈茂然 Lost 姚威和
曹子航 Lost 范永康

Other Results
张友彬(6) Draw 许永坤(5.5)
廖铭濠(5.5) Win 王镇伟(5)
洪培荣(5) Win 肖加龙(5)
蔡俊杰(5) Lose 陈贤凯(5)
黄天赐(5) Lose 赵金山(5)

Final Standing
(Name, Total Pts, Opponent Pts)
1) 姚威和
2) 陈茂然
3) 范永康
4) 曹子航
5) 张友彬 6.5 (46.5)
6) 廖铭濠 6.5 (44.5)
7) 陈贤凯 6 (49)
8) 赵金山 6 (48)
9) 许永坤 6 (43)
10) 洪培荣 6 (42)
11) 蔡政原 5.5 (44)
12)谢永森 5.5 (37)
13)肖加龙 5 (50)
14)王镇伟 5 (45)
15)黄天赐 5 (41.5)
16)张胜祥 5 (40.5)
17)蔡俊杰 5 (38)
18)余添荣 5 (34.5)
19)洪顺利 4.5 (51)
20)张顺喜 4.5 (46)


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