
2007年人协活跃智能游戏节象棋团体赛 (Part 2)







Visit by 台湾棋王吴贵临(特大)and wife 高懿屏(女子特大)together with Cambodia National Team

21 Dec 2007 - Tonight, Boon Lay CC Chinese Chess Club is very fortunate and honored to host friendlies with 台湾棋王吴贵临(特大)and wife 高懿屏(女子特大) as well as Cambodia National Team.

After a short introduction on the event and the players by Mr 陈团生 (SIXGA Secretary), the friendlies kicked off. The results were as follows:


- 其中以许升(大师)和柳国斌(乙级)取得胜利;黄毅鸿(甲级)弈和



由人协活跃智能所举办的象棋团体赛,终于在12月20日掀开序幕。文礼象棋队派了两队参于盛典。这次文礼 A以种子棋队被列入A组。很不幸,AB两队都出师不利,分别败给了劲旅白沙东和波那维斯达A队。

A 组
北斗 (seeded)
文礼 A (seeded)
华中 B
白沙东 C.C.
波那维斯达 B

B 组
文礼 B
波那维斯达 A (seeded)
华中 A
义顺南 C.C. (seeded)
碧山 C.C.





Results of Anchorvale CC Xiangqi Compeition 2007

15 Dec 2007 - A fast chess competition was held at the new Anchorvale CC (Sengkang) today. With 15 prizes up for grabs, it attractted over 60 players from all around Singapore to compete in the event. And we are very proud to have one of our players, Ng Yee Hong (Class A) emerged as the overall champion after a gruelling 7 rounds of stiff competition.

The other Boonlay CC Chinese Chess Club Members had also fare well:

07th Wee Peisen (Class B)
16th Lew Guo Bin (Class B)
20th Low Yi Hao
25th Lai Jun Jie
36th Tay Zi Xian

Attached are the top 50. Information courtesy of 棋人生.


Pasir Ris East CC Chinese Chess Invitational Team Competition

There will be another team competition this coming 18 Nov 2007 - Pasir Ris East CC Chinese Chess Invitational Team Competition. It will be held in the hall on the second storey of Pasir Ris East CC. The format of this competition is similar to that of the Albert Complex Chinese Chess Invitational Team Competition.

There will be 2 rounds. Round 1 will commence on 1200H and end at about 1400H. Round 2 will start at 1445H and end at 1645H.

The system is as follows:

1) There will be 11 teams. Every team can have a maximum of 13 members, inclusive of the captain and vice captain. All 13 players are able to compete.

2) In each round, every team will send out 10 representatives, which will compete with the other 10 teams respectively. There is a limitation of 5 RANKED players per round.

3) For every game, every player has 60 minutes of thinking time, with the player losing should he/she used up all 60 minutes. However, should a player whose position is obviously winning but with very little time (e.g. <5 min), he/she can request the arbiter to declare a draw. The arbiter's decision is final.

This competition will follow the Asian Federation rulings.

The prize giving session will be held on the same day at 1730H. The prizes (for the whole team) are as follows:

1st: $300
2nd: $200
3rd: $150
4th: $120
5th: $100
6th: $80
7th: $70
8th: $60
9th: $50
10th: $50
All participating teams will receive a trophy.








Warm-up friendly

Today, we organised a friendly between Boon Lay CC Xiangqi Club teams A and B at Boon Lay CC. This would serve as a warm-up for the upcoming Albert Complex team competition. After some fierce competition, Team B upset the stronger Team A by a narrow margin of 4:3. The detailed results are as such:

Board 1: 甲级 卢国龙 0-1 甲级 熊国伟 (友情客串)
Board 2: 甲级 黄毅鸿 0-1 甲级 吕瑞展
Board 3: 乙级 刘茂荣 0-1 无级 刘亿豪
Board 4: 乙级 柳国斌 1-0 无级 陈政利
Board 5: 无级 邱振宇 1-0 无级 赖俊杰
Board 6: 无级 张友彬 0-1 无级 魏琬妮
Board 7: 无级 廖铭濠 1-0 无级 陈忠辉

Note: Team A is listed on the left. The players highlighted red took red.


Albert Complex Team Competition

There will be an Albert Complex Team Competition (雅柏广场象棋团体邀请赛) on 23 Sept 2007 (Sunday) at Albert Complex (beside OG at Bugis). This is part of their celebration for the mid-autumn festival.

There will be 2 rounds. Round 1 will commence on 1030H and end at about 1230H. Round 2 will start at 1300H and end at 1500H.

The system is as follows:

1) There will be 10 teams. Every team can have a maximum of 12 members, inclusive of the captain and vice captain. All 12 players are able to compete.

2) In each round, every team will send out 9 representatives, which will compete with the other 9 teams respectively. There is a limitation of 5 RANKED players per round.

3) For every game, every player has 60 minutes of thinking time, with the player losing should he/she used up all 60 minutes. However, should a player whose position is obviously winning but with very little time (e.g. <5 min), he/she can request the arbiter to declare a draw. The arbiter's decision is final.

This competition will follow the Asian Federation rulings.

The prize giving session will be held on the same day at 1530H. The prizes (for the whole team) are as follows:

1st: $300
2nd: $200
3rd: $150
4th: $120
5th: $100
6th: $80
7th: $70
8th: $60
9th: $50
10th: $50
All participating teams will receive a trophy.


Final Result of the Kampong Glam Individual Competition

The Kampong Glam Individual Competition came to a close on Sunday 29th July. Our players did well for this competition, where 张友彬 won the competition by the slightest of margin. 廖铭濠 also did well, getting 6th position. A total of 43 players took part in this competition, which featured several strong 乙级 players. 刘亿豪 also won the top prize in the students category while 黄培森 won the consolation award.
All top 8 players will recieve a trophy as well as some monetary rewards.
Below are the results for the top 8:

1-2 张友彬 Teo Yew Bing Simon (11) 6.5 40.0 6
梁至顺 Leong Chee Soon (49) 6.5 35.0 6
3-4 赵金山 Chow Kim San (47) 6 43.5 5
郑木兴 Tay Bok Heng (41) 6 37.5 4
5-8 林金福 Lim Kim Hock (37) 5.5 39.0 3
廖铭濠* Leow Meng Hao* (22) 5.5 36.0 5 3
许永坤 Koh Yongkun (43) 5.5 36.0 5 2
张胜祥 Zhang Sheng Xiang (7) 5.5 31.5 5

Here's some of the games played by 张友彬 on the final day of the comp:

张友彬 先负 赵金山

许永坤 先负 张友彬(last few steps unable to recall)

This is the winning game that enable 友彬 to snatch the champion from Zhisun as he could only manage to draw Zheng Muxing in the final game.


Round 9 Results and Final Ranking

It was an exciting finals yesterday as a new chinese chess master emerge. Congratulations to Wu Zong Han.

It took a painstaking 5 hours before Junming lost on the fact that he was totally clueless about the rule that he has to complete 25 moves in 30 minutes for the tie breaker games. A pity. After the match, he himself told the author that he could have taken down the tie-breaker game if not for the rulings.

Tie-breaker Game 1 Junming (red) vs Wu Zong Han

Junming felt even more pain as he has managed to grind out a draw in a very disadvantageous endgame (Zong Han having car horse full defence attacking his car cannon 1 elephant). In that game, Junming has cleverly used the Asian ruling one check one kill to force a draw, despite losing the elephant in the process.

The ending position is something like that as shown above (might have error but the gist is there). Junming can R34 and R43, forcing Zong Han to accept the draw.

In the 3rd and 4th placing match, Guolong managed to capitalise on Zheng Xiang Fu mistake and win the match to secure a third. This is the first time he has actually entered the top 3, an achievement over 2 4th placing he has obtained previously.

As for the 5th to 8th positions, they are:

5th Xu Xin (an old master who is still currently playing for Boon Lay)
6th Zhu Yong Ji
7th Ni Fu Liang
8th Qiu Guan Jie

Congratulations to Guo Long and Xu Xin; and to all the winners as well.

Huang Yi Hong (red) win Liu Jian Hui


Final Standing of Group B

Congrats to 张友彬 and 廖铭濠 for coming in 5th and 6th respectively! We will look forward to better results in next year's competition.

Incidentally our players are playing in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd board for the last 2 days. 2 pictures taken during the match.

Left row (from left to right) : 洪培荣,廖铭濠,张友彬

Other results for the competition.

Results from Top 4
陈茂然 Lost 姚威和
曹子航 Lost 范永康

Other Results
张友彬(6) Draw 许永坤(5.5)
廖铭濠(5.5) Win 王镇伟(5)
洪培荣(5) Win 肖加龙(5)
蔡俊杰(5) Lose 陈贤凯(5)
黄天赐(5) Lose 赵金山(5)

Final Standing
(Name, Total Pts, Opponent Pts)
1) 姚威和
2) 陈茂然
3) 范永康
4) 曹子航
5) 张友彬 6.5 (46.5)
6) 廖铭濠 6.5 (44.5)
7) 陈贤凯 6 (49)
8) 赵金山 6 (48)
9) 许永坤 6 (43)
10) 洪培荣 6 (42)
11) 蔡政原 5.5 (44)
12)谢永森 5.5 (37)
13)肖加龙 5 (50)
14)王镇伟 5 (45)
15)黄天赐 5 (41.5)
16)张胜祥 5 (40.5)
17)蔡俊杰 5 (38)
18)余添荣 5 (34.5)
19)洪顺利 4.5 (51)
20)张顺喜 4.5 (46)


Boon Lay Chess Club

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For any enquiries, please email to boonlaychess@hotmail.com